You can donate directly to the Helsinki Music Centre Foundation’s donation account:
Receiver: Helsingin Musiikkitalon säätiö
Address: Mannerheimintie 13 A, 00100 Helsinki
IBAN: FI03 5541 2820 0125 66
In the message field, type “Donation for the Helsinki Music Centre organ project” or the name of your chosen pipe.
If you want your name to appear on the list of donors, please send us a pdf-receipt of the money transfer. The message will be received by chief executive of Helsinki Music Centre Foundation, Reetta Sariola.
Fundraising permit issued to: Helsinki Music Centre Foundation
Licence number: RA/2021/710
Fundraising campaign conducted from 1 January 2021
Fundraising permit issued by the The Gambling Administration of the National Police Board
Fundraising purpose: grants and support for art, e.g. compositions and events
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